Please take time to read my career timeline.

Graduated College

April 2018

I graduated from the University of the East - Caloocan with a bachelor's degree in business administration, majoring in marketing management.

I Started My Career As a Freelance Licensed Financial Advisor

July 2018

I landed my first job at SunlifeGrepa PH as a freelance insurance agent. During my time there, I learned how to manage finances and make smart decisions about taking risks.

As a freelance insurance agent, I was responsible for selling insurance policies and helping clients choose the right coverage for their needs.

Became a Marketing Consultant

September 2018 - April 2019

In the same year, I also had the opportunity to work as a freelance marketing consultant for a food-cart franchising company.

My responsibilities included selling business concepts and assisting clients in choosing the right type of business for their budget.

As a consultant, I had to understand my clients' needs and present them with options that fit their goals and financial constraints, while also explaining the potential risks and benefits of different business concepts.

Established a Business

March 2020

My family and I decided to start our own milk tea business in March 2020, but unfortunately, we launched at the same time that the lockdown due to the COVID-19 virus began. Despite this challenge, our venture gained traction, and we were able to open a second branch within a year.

However, in January 2021, an enhanced community quarantine was implemented, and the increase in interest rates and increased in the competition made it difficult for our venture to maintain its profitability. As a result, we made a difficult decision to close our business in December 2022.

Became a Virtual Assistant

September 2021 - March 2022

I became a virtual assistant for an NFT whitelist service, where my responsibilities included scheduling minting on a Google Sheet using pivot tables, creating fan art, and engaging with various communities to build relationships on different projects.

In this role, I gained valuable experience with tools like Google Sheets and pivot table and developed strong communication skills.

Additionally, I learned how to become a graphic artist and animate images using Adobe After Effects, which sparked my interest in web design, web development, and web3 development.

Became a Self-taught Front-end Developer and Web Designer

October 2022

To build websites from scratch, I have started learning WordPress, HTML5, CSS, and basic JavaScript. I am also using Adobe XD to create layouts and prototypes of websites before beginning the web development process. These skills and technologies are essential for web designers and developers, and I am excited to continue learning and growing in my field.

Got My First Client in Web Development and Web Design

November 2022

I recently had the opportunity to work on my first web development and design project for a logistics company. Despite encountering technical difficulties, I was able to deliver the project on time by using resources like Google and YouTube to troubleshoot issues. It was a challenging but rewarding experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow in my field.

Advancing My Skills and Knowledge in Web Development and Designing


Currently, I am focused on studying advance SEO using Semrush and advance JavaScript. In the future, I plan to study PHP and React as well.

My goal is to become a full-stack developer within the next 6-12 months, in order to offer a wide range of services to clients. I am committed to continuing my education and learning new technologies in order to reach this goal.